War on a Country

There is always a reason for WAR, seems like but kidnapped teenagers? IF they were kidnapped, by “whomever” is bad no matter what culture. But those people love war, we do know that, so you are suppose to believe this now?

They wanted a reason, we all know the drill by now, from one country to another

And people are standing by watching it all, and the ones that can stop it, won’t

Until there is no one left to stop it.

Like I said GENOCIDE, that’s all it is, and the world knows it.

What does innocent CIVILIANS have to do with anything?


Horton Hall. Haunted House.

White Deer Girl.

Horton Hall. Staffordshire. Original house constructed in  the C12th and rebuilt in  1653. Horton Hall. Staffordshire. Original house constructed in the C12th and rebuilt in 1653.

Every time I pass this bristling house I am drawn upwards to the stone mullioned windows of the old attics. When I arrived in the village, 12 short years ago, I was told by a long time resident of Horton parish that those empty attic windows would sometimes frame a pale face, an expressionless gaze and all that was left of a young woman with long, dark hair, caught in stasis as the centuries passed.

The season’s circle. The huge copper beech in its walled gardens canopies the narrow lane I run along, as the days shorten it sheds its leaves beneath my smiling sheepdog’s feet, and by the time our breath has turned to clouds, the tree is skeletal and the house remains, bristling. Time doesn’t touch it. And like the face at the window, I…

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