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Close Relationship Between Seafood and Seal Murder

Alexandra´s Animal Awareness Blog

Photo:HSUS Photo:HSUS

Why is eating fish related to the yearly murder of thousands of young seals? Fishermen do not make enough money with fishing so they get offered another “job” that pays their rent, and that is killing thousands of young seals by smashing in their heads to save their precious fur for sale.

“When you purchase Canadian Seafood, you support a brutal commercial industry kept in business by the slaughter of seals. Sealers are fishermen first, and in fact only 5% of their income comes from sealing! The rest comes from exporting seafood to countries like the United States. Despite the small profit margin, the Canadian fishing industry refuses to end this bloody practice. Even Canada’s Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans won’t move to shut down seal hunting until the fishing industry asks it to.”

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About Sherayx

Hi, I am a humanitarian...I love this planet, my home, your home, our home...I have been a blogger on WP for some years and downs but still think it;s one of the best. . I want to bring love and light... We have to look out for each other...we are all we have...

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