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Golden eagle migration, new research

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called Real bird’s eye view! Golden Eagle in flight – Animal Camera – BBC.

From the Charleston Gazette in the USA:

February 20, 2014

Golden eagles winter range larger than thought, WVU-led study finds

By Rick Steelhammer


A study led by a WVU professor on the over-wintering habits of eastern golden eagles shows that the solitude-loving raptors spend the cold months over a much wider range than previously thought, stretching as far south as Alabama and as far west as Indiana and Michigan.

The study uses both tracking data supplied by golden eagles outfitted with miniature GPS units and cell phones, and motion-activated cameras at 250 sites baited with road-kill deer. The tracking component of the study began eight years ago, while the camera-equipped bait sites began capturing images of golden eagles and other wildlife species three years ago.

All eastern golden eagles are…

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About Sherayx

Hi, I am a humanitarian...I love this planet, my home, your home, our home...I have been a blogger on WP for some years and downs but still think it;s one of the best. . I want to bring love and light... We have to look out for each other...we are all we have...

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